Ropes Volunteer Application (Summer 2025)

Ropes Volunteer Application (Summer 2025)

Thank you for your interest in serving at ORU Missions Summer Ropes! We are humbled and grateful that you would be willing to sacrifice your time to pour into our mission teams.

Ropes begins Sunday, May 4th and concludes Friday, May 9th, 2025. Ropes kicks off with a night service on Sunday, and we will be out at Camp Loughridge Monday-Friday.

Please fill out the following form in order to be considered for a volunteer position. Please note that we will have limited positions available due to the number of teams we have going out. You will receive an email letting you know if we have an area for you to serve at Camp Loughridge by April 1st. If you do serve, we will have a Zoom call in April (date to be determined) to help prepare our hearts and minds!

Regardless of whether you serve out at camp, we would love to have you at our night services, starting Sunday, May 4th, through Thursday, May 8th (Friday night will be Commissioning Service for the teams).

Current Students: Please note that the opportunity to serve at Ropes is for alumni only.

We're so excited for Ropes and know that what we do will be not by might but because of who He is!