Gender *
Maximum of 300 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Are you available to serve all of Ropes? *
While we completely understand if you may not be able to serve the whole week, we are looking for consistency in our volunteers. Even if you cannot commit to every day but could come every morning or every afternoon, that greatly helps us!
If you are only available for a day or two, please note that at the bottom of the form, and we will do our best to place you in a strategic area.
Do you need housing on campus? *
Will you be breaking Saga bread with us? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are available Monday - Friday *
Please note that Saga costs have grown in the last couple of years. For us to be good stewards of our finances, please be specific about what meals you plan on eating.
Any food allergies? *
Please note that we can only accommodate food allergies, not dietary preferences.
Desired area to serve (please select at least one) *
Please note that the Director of Ropes and the Director of Missions is involved in placing each volunteer; we will take your desired area into consideration while also placing volunteers strategically.
We're excited and grateful to serve with you this summer!