ORU Worship Application

ORU Worship Application

Welcome to the application process for ORU Worship! Please fill out the form below and be prepared to attach a video audition. Note that this form, including your video audition, is due by Tuesday, March 25th at 11:59pm.

Information for videos:
- band applicants: "Goodbye Yesterday" by Elevation Rhythm, "Dance Like David" by Circuit Riders, and "Take You at Your Word" by Cody Carnes. You are welcome to attached an additional song of your choice if you desire.
- vocal applicants: sing the whole song on melody and then a chorus and bridge on harmony. You may sing in whatever key is comfortable for you.
- male vocal: "We Crown You" by Jeremy Riddle, "Take You at Your Word" by Cody Carnes, and an additional song of your choice.
- female vocal: "Wonderful Blood" by Tiffany Hudson, "Awake My Soul" by Brooke Ligertwood, and an additional song of your choice.

Video requirements:
- note that videos should be one continuous recording without any audio editing.
- it is preferred that you upload your video on YouTube and attach the link in the appropriate box below.
- if you need to use Lowers to record your video, please email worship@oru.edu to schedule a time.

ORU Worship requirements include:
- at least one semester of involvement in Worship Center (Prayer Movement, Souls, etc.)
- continued involvement on at least one team in Worship Center (Prayer Movement, Souls, etc.)
- possess and maintain a GPA of at least 2.5 (semesterly and/or cumulative)
- musicians: versatility in the Nashville Number System and memorization of chords, arrangements, and parts
- vocalists: ability to hear harmony parts and memorization of lyrics
- ability to attend rehearsal (Tuesday 4-7pm) when scheduled
- ability to attend soundcheck 8:15-9:40am on Chapel days when scheduled
- Team Night attendance