2024-2025 Students attending ORU are required to make Satisfactory Academic Progress as outlined in the University Catalog. After reviewing your performance over the completed fall and spring terms, your course completion rate and/or cumulative GPA failed to meet the conditions of the University Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy. The SAP policy encompasses federal financial aid, state grants, outside scholarships, campus leadership positions and ORU restricted scholarships. Students who fail to meet SAP conditions are not able to receive federal financial aid and have limited access to other aid types. Online students with extenuating circumstances contributing to unsatisfactory academic progress are allowed to submit a formal appeal for aid to the University SAP Appeal Committee for Online Students.
If you choose not to appeal, the Financial Aid Office will remove the appeal requirement from your Vision account and adjust your award package accordingly. You will need to make payment arrangements with Student Accounts.
All Undergraduate Students at ORU must meet the following academic standards at the conclusion of each academic year to be considered as making satisfactory academic progress: 1. Pass minimum 67% of attempted hours in the fall and spring semesters combined 2. Pass minimum 67% of attempted hours since beginning your academic studies (includes all coursework taken at other universities). 3. Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) appropriate for your year of study: Freshmen (27 attempted hours or less) must earn 1.50 or higher; Sophomores (28-59.5 attempted hours) must earn 1.75 or higher; Juniors/Seniors (60+ attempted hours) must earn 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA
External supporting documentation may be a doctor's note, counselor's statement, academic advisement plan etc. This documentation is not required but if submitted will be reviewed confidentially by the SAP Appeals Committee.